Artist & Designer

I’ve been captivated and enchanted by the creative process my entire life. As a kid I found myself frequently inspired to draw pictures, make objects, and organize group art projects with family and friends. To this day I am still motivated by the same curiosity to explore my creative ideas and see where they lead me. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington where I studied painting, drawing, printmaking and art history. Right after college I moved to Seattle and set up my studio where I focused on painting, drawing and resin sculpture. Eventually, I decided to learn Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and a few other graphic applications in order to expand the ways in which I could create. Pairing these new digital skills with a lifelong history of art making and creative problem solving led me down the path to a long and rewarding career in graphic design. I still reside in the Seattle area making art and working as a designer.